Commissioning supervision of BOP related to K14 CFB boiler in ArcelorMittal Ostrava (CZ) | TAMEH Czech s.r.o, Czech Republic | CFB boiler | Czech Republic, Ostrava | 4.2016 |
Supervision activities for operation of CFB Boiler, Lovochemie, Czech republic – Lovochemie a.s., Lovosice (CZ) | Lovochemie a.s., Czech Republic | CFB Boiler | Czech republic, Lovosice | 1.2016 |
WtE Plant ZEVO Chotíkov (CZ) Commissioning and supervision activities for ČKD a.s., Praha, Czech republic | ČKD Praha DIZ, a.s., Czech Republic | Waste to Energy plant | Czech republic, Chotíkov | 11.2015 |
Due Diligence of reasons and consequences of the plant accident
Technical advisory services during project rehabilitation
Owner´s engineering activity | WtE plant, Kosit a.s. Košice, Slovakia | Waste to Energy plant | Slovakia, Košice | 9.2015 |
WtE Plant ZEVO Chotíkov (CZ) –Coordination, Commissioning and supervision activities for final client Plzeňská Teplárenská a.s.
Finalization of the project after the contract resign in between Plzenská Teplárenská a.s. and ČKD
| Plzeňská Teplárenská, a.s., Czech Republic | Waste to Energy plant | Czech Republic, Chotíkov | 5.2015 |
4 x 150 MW CFB based Power Plant, Morupule, Botswana | Botswana Power Corporation | CFB | Botswana, Morupule | 4.2015 |
Due Diligence of Biogas Station in Rimavska Sobota region, Slovakia | UniCredit Bank, Slovakia | BGS | Slovakia, Rimavska Sobota | 3.2015 |
Technical Advisory Services for Romag s.r.o., Senec | Romag, s.r.o., Senec, Slovakia | Depolymerization of various waste plastic materials into pyrolysis oil and gas | Slovakia, Senec | 9.2014 |
Technical Due Diligence Services for a 103 MW Diesel Power Plant in Mindanao, Philippines | Toyota Tsusho Corporation, Tokyo, Japan | Diesel Power Plant | Philippines, Mindanao | 7.2014 |
Municipal waste steam generator with accessories, Etiopia | DP CleanTech Global Engineering Services ApS
(Clean Energy, Natural Solutions) | Municipal waste steam generator with accessories | Etiopia, Addis Ababa | 7.2014 |