Assignment name
Lender´s Engineering services for a new CCGT 450 MW unit at Elektrenai, Lithuania, owned by AB Lietuvos Elektrine
Name of the client
FICHTNER GmbH, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - EBRD
Short description
AB Lietuvos Elektrine (Company) is constructing 450 MW CCGT at Lithuanian Power Plant, in the town of Elektrenai. The construction cost is estimated at 360.37 million EUR with 71 million EUR to be provided by the Bank within the framework of the Loan Agreement signed with the Company in February 2010.
Services provided by company
Performance of the engineering services on behalf of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Bank):
- Review and opine on the construction and operational arrangements;
- Monitor the construction and commissioning, reporting on a quarterly basis, including the implementation of the corporate Environmental and Social Action Plan and project’s Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan that were agreed with the Client as part of the original loan agreement;
- Review the operations and the certificates of completion;
- Provide the advice required by the Bank in order that (i) it can make the disbursements in accordance with the loan agreement, (ii) it can be concluded that covenants in the Loan Agreement are fulfilled. The Lender’s Engineer provides a review of Project construction progress and quality. During the site visits the Consultant performs tasks necessary to review the contractor's procedures, schedule variance, and quality assurance/quality control implementation.
Technical data
Country, location within country
Lithuania, Elektrenai
Date beginning/completion
8.2010 - 12.2012
Type of service
Staff involved in the project
HAVRAN Svetozár